June 25= Billy
I'd much rather Pinhead or Ash! 😆
#scarathlon mini-post #teamslaughter
June 25= Billy
I'd much rather Pinhead or Ash! 😆
#scarathlon mini-post #teamslaughter
I was so frustrated now, that the updates don't work, I just needed to order this bookish jigsaws 🤩🤩🤩😍😍😍
Who else does think of Downton Abbey, when you see the jigsaw in the middle? 😍😍😍
“No postcards from the Alhambra.” In Germany and did not expect this shout out to a landmark for the #BackpackEurope challenge!
Just back from Culebra, off the coast of Puerto Rico. It was hit hard by Maria, but is still a beautiful island that‘s rebuilding, and going there means going off the grid a bit.
But in my mind I was also on the Côte d‘Azur with Sybille Bedford, who was German born and begins the story in Germany. This is the third book I‘ve read by her and the best one so far.
And Culebra has Cigar City beer, which the coolest FL ppl drink. #backpackEurope
Long time no book! Spent the last few months tending fretfully to my book garden instead of reading anything due to acute anxiety. Eventually forced myself to choose a book and went with Bedford‘s memoir, which is turning into one of my favourite coming-of-age books of all time.