I decided that Boxing Day was an excellent time for weeding my bookshelves. However, I became over ambitious and am now surrounded by a forest of books spread out all over the floor in no discernible order. Woe indeed!
I decided that Boxing Day was an excellent time for weeding my bookshelves. However, I became over ambitious and am now surrounded by a forest of books spread out all over the floor in no discernible order. Woe indeed!
Alright, question for you all lovely people: this is my little book area in my office. I only keep the books relevant to my work here. Unfortunately this isn't very aesthetically pleasing. Any suggestions on little bookshelves or wallshelves that might work for an area like this? Help me beautify my office! 🙂
Just started listening, partially in prep for teaching Abnormal Psychology next Fall for the first time since @Libby1 was an undergraduate!