The Reviled | Cynthia A. Morgan
In the mystical realm of Jyndari, a relationship blossoms between two unsuspecting, yet kindred souls. Ayla, a Light-loving Guardian of Childfey, hides more than a few secrets - ones which isolate and set her apart from the rest. Yet Ayla's veiled confidences entice one who lurks in the shadows. Silent and watchful, this dangerous presence knows all too well the secrets she wishes kept hidden. The Darkness-revering Fey bids his time, waiting for the ideal moment to step away from the shadows and reveal himself to Ayla. But doing so will irrevocably alter the course of their lives, and shatter both their worlds. Brimming with magic and mystery, beauty and enchantment, The Reviled is a fantasy novel like no other; an adventure for both mind and spirit. " say this story is enchanting would be to make the understatement of the year." -Adri Sinclair, author- "...has everything you could want in an epic fantasy adventure." -K.C. Finn, Readers' Favorite-