Reading Patient Zero while sitting in the ER waiting room with a friend. Perhaps a little too perfect that I'd just picked up this to read
Reading Patient Zero while sitting in the ER waiting room with a friend. Perhaps a little too perfect that I'd just picked up this to read
Great collection of information on epidemics and there treatments!
I read the original edition several years back and loved how it covered multiple types of disease, epidemic history, and the science and history of epidemiology. The new edition has an added chapter on covid as well as updated information in the other chapters to cover stuff that we've learned and that has happened since the original edition was released. It is really informative and interesting, and more relevant than ever. Recommended!
This was a really interesting intro to a number of epidemics over the past few centuries. Useful for learning about both science and history. Entertaining but also dark. I really enjoyed this one, even if some of the info was a a bit too introductory for an adult (most of it was not to be clear). Recommended for middle grade and up.
Getting over a cold, reading about plagues, eating dinner.