Of the seven short stories most were really awesome but a couple left a bit to be desired. Overall I recommend this book to any science fiction fans, philosophy fans, or fans of House of Leaves
Of the seven short stories most were really awesome but a couple left a bit to be desired. Overall I recommend this book to any science fiction fans, philosophy fans, or fans of House of Leaves
I've loved literature written and/or set in the Soviet era. Here are a few from my shelves with my favourite Master and Margarita covers taking centre stage. The glaring omission here is Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn but my copies of his books are all digital. #backintheussr #rockinmay
This was fun! I'm looking forward to everyone else's
Before the feast
Summer will show
Memories of the future
After me comes the flood
Fallen grace
A void
The famished road
#spinepoetry #MarchIntoReading