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Die stille Kammer
Die stille Kammer: Psychothriller | Jenny Blackhurst
18 posts | 19 read | 26 to read
Susan Webster hat keinerlei Erinnerung an den schrecklichsten Abend ihres Lebens: Sie soll ihren eigenen Sohn erstickt haben. Jahre spter entdeckt sie Fotos, die die Hoffnung schren, dass ihr geliebter Sohn noch lebt. Auf eigene Faust versucht Susan, den rtselhaften Bildern und ihrer eigenen Erinnerung auf den Grund zu gehen - und kommt dabei einem anderen grauenvollen Verbrechen auf die Spur, das sich vor zwanzig Jahren an einem Elite-College im Norden Englands ereignete ...
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How I Lost You | Jenny Blackhurst
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I think I have have found the holy grail of #Buzzword picks for my personal collection! I‘ll probably have the most selection if I go with the word YOU. Not to mention the 40(!) ebooks that I have with YOU in the title. 🙈 But I‘m still not going to make my final decision until closer to the start of the #BuzzwordBookathon 🖤🐝

How I Lost You | Jenny Blackhurst
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How I Lost You | Jenny Blackhurst
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SilversReviews Love the “lost” collage. 😊 6y
Linsy Great mix of books! 💙 6y
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How I Lost You | Jenny Blackhurst
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My name is Emma. Three years ago I was Susan Webster, and I murdered my son Dylan. I was sent to Oakdale Psychiatric Institute for my crime, and was released early on parole with a new identity, address, and a chance to rebuild my life.

This morning, I received an envelope. Inside it was a photograph of a toddler called Dylan. Now I am questioning everything I believe because if I have no memory of the event, how can I truly believe he's dead?

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How I Lost You | Jenny Blackhurst
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Wow-wow-wow! This book was such an intense read and one that I won‘t be forgetting about soon. I‘m there for everything this author writes now!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 stars

tammysue Oooh stacking!! 7y
Samantha.1020 @whatshesreadingnow I hope you enjoy as much as I did!! 7y
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How I Lost You | Jenny Blackhurst
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⭐️⭐️book Review of How I Lost You by Jenny Blackhurst. https://bookchat758524457.wordpress.com/

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How I Lost You | Jenny Blackhurst
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This was the best kind of psychological thriller! I‘d be in disbelief if someone said they were able to predict all of the twists and turns. They made sense & were believable. You will Wonder for the longest time how the two narratives collide, but when you do the suspense is increased several notches! Excited for Blackhurt‘s next novel!

RadicalReader @MyNamesParadise can‘t wait to check out this novel for myself I Love psychologically thrilling reads 7y
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How I Lost You | Jenny Blackhurst
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This was like Sherlock Holmes on steroids. At first it was hard to see the big picture and how the different narrators related to each other but once I began to understand their relationship I was amazed. Susan started out as a wounded little bird and by the end she was stronger than ever. This won‘t disappoint anyone who loves a good thriller.


How I Lost You | Jenny Blackhurst
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I found myself wondering how something with four stars could be "so-so" and now I've figured it out. The one thing that cost this book it's fifth star really had a profoundly disappointing effect on it. The full review can be read here: http://theghastlygrimoire.com/2017/10/08/book-review-how-i-lost-you-by-jenny-bla...

How I Lost You | Jenny Blackhurst
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Almost to the halfway point. Chilling at my Dad's after a nasty fight with my mom. Loooove the place he lives with a girlfriend. House is over 100 years old and the doors have SKELETON KEYHOLES. Also, my mom got me #kittycat pjs a few weeks ago.

Not sure how I feel about his so far, so guess we will see.

Rachiiebookdragon I hope you are ok xx 7y
CouronneDhiver Sorry about the fight ... that's always crumby 7y
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How I Lost You | Jenny Blackhurst
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I gave this book 3/5 because the story was interesting to a point. 'How I Lost You' has a interesting premise which worked, however it was the main character, Susan/Emma that brought the story down, her questionable decisions, her willingness to trust a man she literally met, her comparisons between herself and other women at times just felt vain and unnecessary (seriously? That's your main worry? Come on Susan/Emma!). The ending was expected.

How I Lost You | Jenny Blackhurst

There's a lot of hype surrounding this book and having just finished it I'd say it's deserved. It's one of those books that keep you guessing until the very end. Brilliant debut. Would recommend.

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