I left 1 star on goodreads
I love the Vampire Diaries! I have been binge watching it recently. My favorite #vampire show. I also want to mention #twilight because that book saga has a special place in my heart because it is what got me back into reading and it got me to love vampires and who knows if we would have the vampire diaries without it #fallisbooked
4⭐'s. I liked this one more than the last one. I can't wait to read the next book.
TBR pile question: a book series you probably won‘t buy the rest of?
I read these in high school. The red books r written by ghost writers 4 some reason smith couldn‘t finish writing them. (She did release ebooks 2 finish but I never looked) when I learned this I just didn‘t want to finish them. My teenage heart was so upset 😩😂
I remember people were upset & angry they took her book away but I never investigated enough to know the actual reason.
There's no such thing as a bad idea. Just poorly executed ones.
-Damon Salvatore, The Vampire Diaries
I miss this show😔
Q: Did you watch TVD? Which was your favourite character?
Mine was Damon😍
I also read the books but I prefer TV show. It's much better.
#damonsalvatore #thevampirediaries #vampires #bookseries #tvshow #hellobrother #salvatorebrothers #litsylove #litsyshow #quote #litsyquote
"For a moment, as Damon glanced toward Elena, their gazes met and something electric passed between them. It made Elena tingle all over, that look did."
#book #books #bookstagram #bookworm #reading
Some of my books that I have at my home. I have muuuuch more, but I keep them in my apartment. Books everywhere!
#octphotochallenge I actually like the tv show better than any of the books but especially Elena. I think Nina did a smashing job of her!! #likedthecharacterBETTERinthemovie (tv).