Bookish song Nr. 14: The Hammer's Coming Down
And the Hammer is called Jim Schweitzer. This song is just epic enough for Schweitzers epic journey from a Navy SEAL to a Super Zombie. And for his fight against those who made him.
Bookish song Nr. 14: The Hammer's Coming Down
And the Hammer is called Jim Schweitzer. This song is just epic enough for Schweitzers epic journey from a Navy SEAL to a Super Zombie. And for his fight against those who made him.
I really enjoyed reading Coles Shadow Ops trilogy, and therefore also wanted to read the prequel. It tok me some years to finally lay hands on the first volume. But if I had known how much more I love this book, I would've read it sooner.
Usually, I love when good characters go bad (anakin, anyone?), but here I was rooting for Schweitzer to stay who he is. So much, that I had to tell myself to NOT bite my nails while reading 😅
This is the fourth book by Myke Cole I've read in about six months. This is also his fourth published book. Not only have I been enjoying great stories, I have also had the privilege of experiencing how an author develops his craft, going from good in the debut to excellent in this one. If you haven't read Myke Cole yet you should. He is well worth checking out.