Fun non-bookish fact. Any time this song comes on I am reminded of my 4yr old nephew and the fact that during a church camp concert he said that he wanted to sing Enter Sandman. He knows all the words and can drum his sticks along to the beat.
Fun non-bookish fact. Any time this song comes on I am reminded of my 4yr old nephew and the fact that during a church camp concert he said that he wanted to sing Enter Sandman. He knows all the words and can drum his sticks along to the beat.
OMG!!! Im so excited about this POP!!! Metallica is one of my favorite bands and this has been on my “need” list for awhile!! Thank you! @Wonderwoman89 #summerreadingswap
Hello, Tulsa! #metallica #bokcenter
1. Always the Grateful Dead but lately...Metallica.
2. The #Booked2018 challenge. Doing well.
3. 2 hours or so
5. Speaking of Metallica....James Hetfield lives in Vail. I saw him in the village a few weeks ago. My poor husband had to deal with my middle-aged fangirl freak out. 😳 Not a random fact, but I wanted to tell someone this. My friends don‘t share my musical tastes. :(
@MinDea #humpdaypost
Thanks for the tag @AndreaReads
1. Battery - Metallica
2. The Wise Man‘s Fear - Patrick Rothfuss (👍🏻👍🏻)
3. Maybe Gone With the Wind or Shogun
4. I tag you all
@GarthRanzz #trivialthursday
Not book related. But what is with the weather in Chicago? It's freezing! I need the heat on in the car! And Metallica. . . Because it's always a Metallica kind of morning!!🤘🤘
#gettingpumpedforwork #wishiwasreading
Fun fact: I will also accept birthday presents on days other than my birthday. 🤘🏻🖤🤘🏻
Not reading related, but excited to have this in my future! It'll be me and the hubby's second time seeing them together - first time was my first Christmas present to him. And this time with Avenged Sevenfold! We are 🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽 #RiotGrams #Freebie
Preppin' for the concert here in Singapore on Sunday with this fantastic history of Metallica's origins and the making of and tour of its epic "Master of Puppets" album. Reads like a round-table interview with the band and others in their close circle. ????