sometimes u read a really long book by an author you have lukewarm feelings for and lo and behold, the book is lukewarm too.
sometimes u read a really long book by an author you have lukewarm feelings for and lo and behold, the book is lukewarm too.
Witi states that his book is personal, political, history and myth. I couldn't say it better. Some of the most heart wrenching writing & imagery that called to me from the roots of the land I live in.
But a hard book to recommend to others. You have to want a good dose of history with your narrative. For me that was great and eye opening. I understand many famous people and battles better as well as meeting vivid characters I won't forget.
I do love a good spidery cover 😍
I'm trying to read more New Zealand writers this year so that I'm not always recommending the same books. This one is great so far - feeling immersed in Maori culture. 👍