Inspiration with your Sunday morning coffee: Meghan Masterson on Marie Antoinette in the latest #womenshistoryreads interview at my blog. #womenshistorymonth #authorinterview greermacallister.com/blog
Inspiration with your Sunday morning coffee: Meghan Masterson on Marie Antoinette in the latest #womenshistoryreads interview at my blog. #womenshistorymonth #authorinterview greermacallister.com/blog
Ooh la la! Can't wait to read this #histfic. Check out Meghan's blog where she writes about history and interviews other authors at Book Addiction. https://meghanmastersonauthor.com/blog/
Masterson deftly captures the tumult of the French Revolution and the tragic unmaking of history's most infamous queen--Marie Antoinette--through the eyes of clever and likable dressmaker Giselle Aubry. Immersed in scenes of jeweled courtiers, of furtive exchanges between spies, and the palpable danger lurking in every corridor, tavern, and rue à Paris, I grew impatient to return to the book each night.