5 Star. An engaging and moderns story that slumps a bit in the second half but not enough for a deduction. I especially like that I didn't need a lot of background to know who was who and whatvwas going on.
5 Star. An engaging and moderns story that slumps a bit in the second half but not enough for a deduction. I especially like that I didn't need a lot of background to know who was who and whatvwas going on.
I'm reading my first Wonder Woman comic. Wonder Woman doesn't eat animals.
(I'm sort of still on a post-movie high. 😍)
Still my all-time favorite Wonder Woman run. Mash up Greek tragedy, superheroic adventure, and THE WEST WING and you have WONDER WOMAN BY GREG RUCKA. This set of stories focuses heavily on Wonder Woman as an ambassador and political figure, smartly crafted to highlight the danger and sacrifice that comes with progress - and how it can be married to classical values. And the art, from JG Jones and Drew Johnson, is quite lovely as well.
Just got my tickets for Wonder Woman! Can't wait for this movie!
A stellar iteration of the Amazon Princess which deftly blends her mythic origins and political importance, while adding an appropriate touch of humor to boot.
Loving this compendium of WW stories and how it weaves in the Greek / Roman mythology. Beautiful artwork and vibrant coloring. It also plays up Diana's role as a UN Ambassador, which unfortunately was canned irl after the election. Such a shame when in the comic, she brings war criminals to The Hague for prosecution. She's still a role model and a hero to me....and Wilson approves!