Such a beautiful story. I highly recommend this for all ages. You will most likely punch the page at some points but it is so moving.
Such a beautiful story. I highly recommend this for all ages. You will most likely punch the page at some points but it is so moving.
I loved the main character is this book so much! She gets transported across time and space with no resources in her pajamas and decides to just go to the library. Of course! That's the first thing I'd do if I was trapped in the future. This book was utterly charming and my only complaint is that it was not long enough.
"No, my life wasn't perfect. But I wouldn't want to leave it behind forever. I liked my adventures to stay where they belonged: in books, where I could shut the cover on them any time I wanted." My god. 5 pages in and this book is putting my feelings into such simple, but poignant, prose.
I'm home with a terrible summer cold. ONCE WAS A TIME has proven to be the perfect read. The real issues of friendship and family and growing up framed by a (somehow) non-sci-fi time travel adventure. So glad this called to me from the TBR shelf!
This comes out in a few days. I have read and loved all Sales's previous books so my expectations are high.