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It has taken me about 3 months to read this book and boy, was it worth it. I've shared a lot of quotes from this book over the months as it is full of wisdom.
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It has taken me about 3 months to read this book and boy, was it worth it. I've shared a lot of quotes from this book over the months as it is full of wisdom.
"Strange as it may seem, ONE of the ways of those of appreciably greater privilege and power carry around their advantages is through a well-practiced refusal to contemplate them - a practice permitted and encouraged by their being excused from being required to answer for themselves."
Yes, I am STILL working my way through this sociology textbook. But it is so blooming marvellous and deep that it deserves a thorough, careful read.
I'm suffering from insomnia. ?
Thankfully, my books are here to help me.
I've just learned about a sociological term called anomie:
"Anomie, Durkheim had proposed, was the condition of uncertainty that arises among modern people when their society becomes too disrupted by change to be able to provide a steady line of moral guidance."
Now I'm pondering our global situation at 4 AM.
I started reading this back in November and then lost it. I've now located it lurking amongst other TBRs. ?
I'm delighted to be jumping back into this book, considering that this author compares sociology with poetry, for it
"...Sings (or moans) from deep within a local soul about the whole of human (hence, social) things."
"...it was the well off white boys who counted most. Their girls ran a far second. Few others counted, and some who didn't were told so in so many words... The big social things affect us, often, in silence, but affect and produce us they do."
"False consciousness is an impoverishment of the sociological imagination in which people are unable to understand the social things that cause their troubles. They may even actively misunderstand them."
Could this be part of what we're dealing with now with post-truth politics?
Reading this one just because. Or as my husband says when I ask him why, "Just".