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The Conqueror
The Conqueror | Brenda Joyce
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Like a pagan god, Rolfe the Relentless rode into Castle Aelfgar to claim it as his prize--and Lady Alice as his bride. Lauded for his bravery in France, in England he was the hated enemy. Once ensconced in his new domain, Rolfe became determined to tame the Saxon beauty Ceidre, Alice's illegitimate sister, whose spirit and sensuality make him risk treason to have her--not Lady Alice--in his bed... Mysterious and seductive, she was no lady but a spy for the rebel cause of her noble half brothers. Refusing to bow to this arrogant warrior who ignited her forbidden passion, Ceidre was swept into a dangerous liaison tied to the fate of England and kings. Yet with his kisses on her lips, his skillful hands on her body, she would have to struggle not to surrender to... The Conqueror. From the Paperback edition.
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The Conqueror | Brenda Joyce
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Kinda struggling through this very explicit romantic dumpster fire. I was hoping it'd be so bad it was good, but it seems to be mostly plain old bad unfortunately. Points for a next level ridiculous cover though!

The Conqueror | Brenda Joyce
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Within the first 10 pages, the hero chases the heroine down and tries to violently rape her. He's not sorry, and the only reason that he stops is because someone else startles him. Look. Real talk. I know this book is set in the medieval era, but I have no desire to go further after reading that. The writing and characterization seem pretty subpar, too. 15 pages in, and I'm out!