published 1983. This book is from a series of 15+ book. In this book it shows a good sense of emotion. The emotion of being mad. But in the end you won‘t stay mad forever so just let things go and it will all be okay.
“ when lions roar! When monkey screech! When lightning cracks! When thunder booms! When sirens blare! When big dog park! When daddy yells! When mommy hollers!”
published 1983. This book is from a series of 15+ book. In this book it shows a good sense of emotion. The emotion of being mad. But in the end you won‘t stay mad forever so just let things go and it will all be okay.
Making the most of his Time-Out with his favorite book #raisingreaders
Yes, there's a Little Critter fan in our house. This pretty much sums up my day. I was so mad I wanted to run away...unfortunately my friends didn't ask me to come out and play and I still have laundry and ironing to do but you know how it goes. Maybe I'll run away tomorrow if I'm still mad.