Un centinaio di pagine...e ancora sono perplessa.
Un centinaio di pagine...e ancora sono perplessa.
“Be a knife for me and I swear, I will be a knife for you."
Yair has been observing Miriam. He does not want to meet her in person, only for her to agree to receive his letters. Miriam replies at once and over the course of several months a love affair ensues through letters between these two strangers.
I could have named Grossman among the favorite authors in my last post. #cutslikeaknife #timbittunes
Well I obviously did not read far enough into the Kindle preview before deciding to buy this. Oh my god, about ten pages later, it's plain as day that this is horribly sentimental, romantic, and gushy. Just no!
Nope, Yair is not a stalker or psycho. This is the opening to the novel, and on the basis of this and a few more pages of the Kindle preview, I'm in! My first by David Grossman, and I see no one else on Litsy has weighed in on it at all; the Goodreads ratings and reviews are good, though.