A friend hitched a ride to Clark and I stopped into the library to work for a bit, but not before snapping this pic of the larger-than-life statue of Freud that welcomes one and all to the campus.
A friend hitched a ride to Clark and I stopped into the library to work for a bit, but not before snapping this pic of the larger-than-life statue of Freud that welcomes one and all to the campus.
#AugustIsATrip Day 13: The Father of Psychoanalysis, the #Subconscious, Id, Ego, and Superego has been portrayed in this graphic memoir in such an irreverent, comical, almost-offhand fashion. I was also especially taken by how his famous cases were mentioned here (eg. Little Hans). As I read this, I am amazed by how much credence he was given at the time, especially given his very unorthodox views. Full review here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-eVg
Fun illustrated read about Freud's life. I'll have to show my AP Psych students! Thanks to @WanderingBookaneer for the loaner.
Interesting look at the man's life, theories, and most famous patients. Featured here are Viennese painters that lived in the city while Freud was there. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
This one is for @gibblr .