“Green is queen in summer. Green trills from trees, clings to pup's knees, covers all with leaves, leaves, leaves! How can green be so many different greens?“
“Green is queen in summer. Green trills from trees, clings to pup's knees, covers all with leaves, leaves, leaves! How can green be so many different greens?“
I enjoyed reading this story because it shows all the colors of nature and how those change as the year goes on. I thought the illustrations represented each season well and how each color can be seen in all seasons.
Red Sings from Treetops a year in colors won the Caldecott medal in 2010. This book shows how colors are used in each season. Each color is personified to show how they work together to represent each season. The illustrations convey how the colors can be seen within the seasons.
This book (poetry) explores the seasons and their associated colors and sounds. This picture book is perfect for teaching poetry and has won 2010 Caldecott award. An interactive read aloud would be great for this book by getting students involved and activating their background knowledge on the seasons. #ucflae3414sp21
Love this book! I enjoyed how the author used the colors to describe the seasons and life in general with such detail.
Love love love this book! I really enjoyed the different interpretations of the colors and how relatable they were so
"Red Sings from Treetops" by Joyce Sidman and illustrations by Pamela Zagarenski is a Caldecott-winning picture book (P). You can teach the seasons, especially as an RA. It artistically describes each month and its climate in terms of colors, showing descriptive writing, non-rhyming poetry, and seasonal changes. Teachers can use can help students think about the seasons where they live, which satisfies UDL Engagement (7.2).
#FallIntoReading Day 20: Each line in this book leaves an imprint, an echo of the seasons. Zagarenski does each dripping, crunchy, windswept line so much justice with her distinctive art. I love how the colors speak, taste, and touch the winds, the leaves, the gnarled branches. Each page is a gift from summer and spring, winter and #autumn, but my favorite is the contrast of Black and White in the fall. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-57A
Red Sings from Treetops: A year in colors by Joyce Sidman & illustrated by Pamela Zagarenski is a beautiful P Caldecott Honor picture book. Color comes to life through poems, taking you on a visual journey through the seasons and the changing landscape throughout the year. Having students either be assigned a color or season could make this a great RT. #UCFLAE3414F17
Red Sings from Treetops by Joyce Sidman and illustrated by Pamela Zagarenski won the Caldecott Award I would use this in my classroom for a read aloud. This a story about colors throughout the year. It goes through all the seasons and tells you how the colors change throughout the year. Like how the green leaves change to brown and so on.
This F RA book is a great book for kindergarteners as it teaches about different aspects of the seasons and teaches colors. It is beautifully illustrated. Students will make many connection with many of the activities it illustrates for each season. http://www.joycesidman.com/books/red-sings-from-treetops-a/red-sings-rg.pdf This is a lesson plan for the book from the author! #ucflae3414f17