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Gomorra / Gomorrah: A Personal Journey Into the Violent International Empire of Naples' Organized Crime System
Gomorra / Gomorrah: A Personal Journey Into the Violent International Empire of Naples' Organized Crime System | Roberto Saviano
8 posts | 24 read | 12 to read
Napoles es la ciudad mas violenta de la Union Europea. Su criminalidad organizada, la Camorra, ha asesinado desde 1980 a mas de 3.600 personas, mas que la suma de IRA, ETA y Brigadas Rojas, y mucho mas que la Cosa Nostra siciliana. Pero el rojo de la sangre es solo un aspecto de la calamidad. La otra cara del problema es negra: una ciudad que vive de la economia sumergida se condena a vivir al otro lado de la ley. Los jefes de clan, los usureros y los mafiosos sustituyen gradualmente a los politicos, los bancos y los policias. Ese es el mundo en el que se adentra el escritor y periodista napolitano Roberto Saviano. Colaborador de varios medios de comunicacion y miembro del centro de estudios sobre la camorra y la ilegalidad, con Gomorra ha logrado un exito inmediato entre los lectores y una impostergable llamada de atencion sobre la situacion de su ciudad natal, donde el desempleo ronda el 20% (en algunos barrios llega hasta el 50%) y la delincuencia es la aspiracion de la mayoria de los jovenes, que ansian entrar en el Sistema, como es conocido. Una tupida red de actividades criminales que partiendo del puerto de Napoles, punto de entrada en Europa del comercio chino que escapa en su inmensa mayoria a las Aduanas, y una ingente red de talleres clandestinos, alcanza dimensiones globales ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A New York Times Notable Book of the Year A groundbreaking, unprecedented bestseller in Italy, Roberto Saviano's insider account traces the decline of the city of Naples under the rule of the Camorra, an organized crime network more powerful and violent than the Mafia. The Camorra is an elaborate, international system dealing in drugs, high fashion, construction, and toxic waste, and its influence has entirely transformed life in Campania, the province surrounding Naples."
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Gomorra | Roberto Saviano
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Non-fiction book about mafia. I learned so much reading this. For example I didn't know that mafia has a hand in producing high end fashion clothes. This book is almost 20 years old so I think much has changed about mafia in that time but I still found this fascinating to read.

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Tea & reading after a long work week 🥰

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It was extra tough Monday after holidays so decided to end it early and have salad & some quality reading time at my favourite caffeteria. 📚📖

It's also soo hot today that it is uncomfortable to use one's brain. 🤦‍♀️🧠


“Las instituciones internacionales de investigaciones económicas están constantemente sirviendo datos (…); como, por ejemplo, el célebre índice “Big Mac”, que considera más próspero un país cuanto más caro cuesta un bocadillo en el McDonald‘s. En cambio, para evaluar la situación de los derechos humanos, los analistas observan el precio al que se vende el kaláshnikov. Cuanto más barata sea la metralleta, más se violan los derechos humanos.”

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Current read 1: “Gomorra”. The textile business and its dark secrets; the drug market, its distribution routes and strategies; the Camorra‘s ways of working and the idiosincrasy of the people of the region where they operate. A truly interesting and disturbing book, especially when one knows that it is all based on true events and the author must live under police protection. I love the immediacy of purchasing eBooks for certain books and topics.


Besides the blood and excess, what kept me reading was the intelligence and heart in the work. The tone is raw and cynical but it isn't without occasional touches of poetry and sentimentalism. The author never stayed in one mode long enough to get tiresome. I don't know if I was convinced by the litany of the names and places or if I just sympathized with a good writer. His heart's in the right place. I hope it's still beating somewhere.

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Catching up on magazines... Adding this book, film and tv series to the list!

Nag1 Gomorrah is an amazing tv series 3y
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