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Ausgebrannt: Thriller | Andreas Eschbach
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Die Menschheit vor ihrer grten Herausforderung: Das Ende des Erdlzeitalters steht bevor! Als in Saudi-Arabien das grte lfeld der Welt versiegt, kommt es weltweit zu Unruhen. Bahnt sich tatschlich das Ende unserer Zivilisation an? Nur Markus Westermann glaubt an ein Wunder. Er glaubt eine Methode zu kennen, wie man noch l finden kann. Viel l. Doch der Schein trgt. Packend erzhlt Bestseller-Autor Andreas Eschbach in seinem Thriller Ausgebrannt eine Geschichte, in der die globalisierte Welt an ihrer Ressourcenknappheit zu scheitern droht.
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Ausgebrannt: Thriller | Andreas Eschbach
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@Cosmos_Moon #ThankfulThursday

Thanks for the tag @RamsFan1963 👋🏼

This book deeply impressed me. It‘s a German author so I don‘t know if it‘s translated into English.

1) I‘m named after Jessica Benton who played Elizabeth (Isabel) Frazer in “The Onedin-Line” (Still have to watch it to find out more about me. 😉)

2) • For a few days off – although they are, like Kevin‘s, almost over. • For playing 🎮 “Earthbound” with my significant other. ⬇️

Buechersuechtling Picture 📸 taken from: https://bit.ly/34I1Y0B. 4y
Cosmos_Moon Looks like an interesting book... I‘ll have to see if there‘s a translation. 4y
Buechersuechtling @Cosmos_Moon According to the author‘s webpage (https://bit.ly/3822Vmo) where I just (1st November 2020) looked, there‘s unfortunately no English edition. 😟 I‘m sorry. – There should be, it‘s a really good book that stays with you for a long time and makes you research things you until then never wasted more than three swords in a row of. At least, it had that effect on me, when I read it years ago. 4y
Cosmos_Moon Oh... well, thanks for checking! 4y
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