Boy, if I were the type to look up every word and reference I don‘t understand while reading this book (“the first Proustian zombie novel” —Slate) and then practice using them, my vocab would be 🔥
Boy, if I were the type to look up every word and reference I don‘t understand while reading this book (“the first Proustian zombie novel” —Slate) and then practice using them, my vocab would be 🔥
Sometimes when I can't decide what to read next I'll pile the contenders on a cat--whichever gets knocked off first gets read first. Because you can't play paper/rock/scissors with yourself! But you also can't go wrong when they're all Two Dollar Radio titles.
P.S. A Questionable Shape was knocked off first.
P.S.S. No cats were harmed in the taking of this photo. All the books are super light. ☺️