'It's probably time we put the lie to the notion that all of us "independents" are so free from shepherds.... We are all following something, whether we know it or not. It is better to consciously choose who or what we are going to follow.'
'It's probably time we put the lie to the notion that all of us "independents" are so free from shepherds.... We are all following something, whether we know it or not. It is better to consciously choose who or what we are going to follow.'
'Call it my naive idealism. Call it my foolish wish to live in a world in which I don't have to dispense or receive dehumanizing treatment. But I live in hope that this could one day be the norm, not the exception.'
'Despite shrill warnings about the nihilism to which secular living supposedly must lead, despite the claims that without God people are doomed to living life with no notion of good and bad - why not just kill for sport? - most of us in this wildly diverse collection of non-religious, nontheistic individuals are managing fine, more or less. ⬇️