Pirandello super sempre
What did I just read???
This play is my pick for 1921 for #192019challenge and though the adaptation I got is modern, the spirit comes through.
A company of actors is practicing a play, when 6 people come in. They say they are characters left unfinished by their author, and they‘re looking to set their story down.
The actors oblige them.
What ensues is a whirlwind of mindf$&!ery that shows the shadow side of creation.
I‘d love to see this.
I had to read this for a class in college. I have no recollection of what happens, but I'm pretty sure it was weird. #NovemberByTheNumbers
Little free libraries always make my day.
I was in this play a few years back and played The Stepsister. Such an absurd and soul-crushing piece.
The quirk and depth of this play leaves you wanting more. I for sure hope to someday be able to see this production on the stage.
Definitely an absurdist play that brings the reader into the same state of confusion as every character in this "play within a play." It was so far out of my typical reading tastes, but it was the right pick for my own intro to Italian modernism. Would definitely recommend to those who love reading satirical plays--it is one of those that makes you just crave seeing it in live action! I guarantee it won't be like anything you've read before.
Tonight's read: Modernist Italian playwright (among other things) Luigi Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author (1921). Supposedly an intriguing peak into the fragmentation of the human identity, as readers are presented with six "characters" who are looking for the scripts of their lives to be written for them...what will they discover about their distinct individualities? Well, that's what I hope to find out!
Yes, but haven't you perceived that it isn't possible to live in front of a mirror which not only freezes us with the image of ourselves, but throws our likeness back at us with a horrible grimace?
"Tutto ciò che vive, per il fatto che vive, ha forma, e perciò stesso deve morire: tranne l'opera d'arte, che appunto vive per sempre, in quanto è forma"
Art is immortal. #Pirandello #Art