Got these off a friend. Has anyone read them? Know if they have to be read in am order? Thank you 📚❤📚
Got these off a friend. Has anyone read them? Know if they have to be read in am order? Thank you 📚❤📚
1. Wolf! 🐺 (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series)
2. No. I badly want a cat.
3. That's like asking me for my favourite book! All the cats, wolves, deer, reindeer, seals, swans, sparrows, otters, harvest mice, slow worms...and... and...
4. Cat, most likely. Or a swan. Or porpoise (I'd love to swim like a dolphin but they're chatty and sociable and I'm really not.)
#manicmonday @JoScho
#weekendchat @CSeydel
Michelle Paver's "Chronicles of Ancient Darkness" (6 books)
Robin Hobb. I read the first one last year, and enjoyed it, but didn't realise how many there are. I wasn't ready to make that kind of commitment at the time!
Library insists I give them back. My own get shelved, initially. Some are later re-homed.
Found one near me but their blurb said "large outspoken group that loves to socialise". That'll be a no, then.
#FallIntoBooks #ShadesOfAutumn
Most of these are still in my #TBR
Wolf Brother was very good and different. I really need to pick myself up and read the rest of the series.
Can't say the same for Temeraire. Loved the premise, but l found the execution, especially in the second half of the story, quite disappointing
#AndItsAugust #TwoWordsTitles
All the books in this series are two-word title. I've only read the first one (the one tagged) which l own in ltalian... and the tigli isn't two words
#RockInMay #WildWorld
I own the first book of the series in ltalian, all the others in English. I still miss the last one, but because l want the matching cover (l think the last one is purple) l'm waiting to find it 😆
Really enjoyed the first book, especially the spirituality of this prehistorical world
I read these after finishing Harry Potter for the first time and desperately needed something to get me out of the corresponding slump. These did the trick. I think I read them in two days. But then I needed something to get me out of the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness slump.