Really making me crave some Norman setting romance novels.
Really making me crave some Norman setting romance novels.
When discussing the War of the Roses, many people had dreams and ambitions. The women in this book wished for power, and ultimately, the English crown. #IHaveaDream #ABBAinAugust
As a massive history buff, I just devour these books. This is by far one of my favourites, especially with regards to the Cousin's War (aka War of the Roses). I am always fascinated by how women have shaped and influenced wars and power struggles in what many assume is a masculine dominated field. This book focuses on seven incredible women and just is so well written. I would highly recommend to any history buff!
About to get started on this book! Loved Sarah Gristwood's work on the book, The Ring and the Crown, so super excited to finally read a book by her alone. Plus, it is one of my many favourite historical periods (although that is hard to narrow down, lol).