Reading in the hammock at Gunflint lake. I love BWCA! Lake life in Minnesota is the best and this book by MN author Sarah Stonicb is awesome.
Reading in the hammock at Gunflint lake. I love BWCA! Lake life in Minnesota is the best and this book by MN author Sarah Stonicb is awesome.
This book is a classic that most people need to know about. Excellent writing.
I love epistalary novels. Don't you? What is your favorite epistalary novel? There are so many. Dear Edward had me tearing up at the end. Its a sweet story of survival. You will fall in love with Edward and his best friend, Shay.
Reading the Little House books. Then I‘m reading Prairie Fires
This was an interesting book about 1572 Scandinavia. I‘m not sure how I feel about it.
Loved this book. I love the tale of the deathless man.
This book is amazing. A page turning true story which should be required reading. Go Read It. Seriously!
2nd time reading this. It‘s more beautiful and heart breaking the second time.
Just started and am trying immerse myself in this world.
10 stars! Both hands up for this impactful book. I can‘t wait to discuss this tomorrow in my student book club.
I love this book of essays, reflections and prayers. I read one essay every day before work. It was a great way to start the day.
Had a great book club discussion on this one. Great characters and a great plot. Very enjoyable.
This is a lovely book about days when your feeling blue and the illustrations are awesome! I love this adorable elephant!
A love letter to libraries and librarians. Full of information and facts and I found it all very fascinating.
Quite possibly one of the best books I‘ve read this year. Mind blowing and revealing.
Maya‘s 3rd autobiography. The one where she gets to travel and dance and sing for audiences.
Reading in Door County on Lake Michigan. I love summer so much!
I love a good ghost story. Do you?
A gift for my nephew Nelson. I love giving kids books for their birthdays.
As a abuse survivor I can really relate to a lot of poems in here as well as her 3rd person approach.
Reading this during my trip to Thailand formerly known as Siam. That is the city of Bangkok where this book takes place. BTW this book is awesome. I learned so much about Thailand and life at the Grand Palace. Spoiler there was no love or romance between Anna and the King. Just friendship.
At a pop up bookstore selling my poetry anthology.
My book club choice this month. I can‘t wait to discuss it.
Reading a book about Cambodia while in Cambodia. Angkor Thom and Angkor Wat is a must see. Celebrated my birthday here. I love Cambodia.
While in Vietnam - read a book about Vietnam. This book is so good and I‘m in love with Saigon and Vietnam.
First hour of summer vacation. #teacherlife. Glad to be back in the hammock again.
Alternating reading and crocheting while on a long drive home
I met Tommy Orange last week when he came to our school Pow Wow. The part about the spider legs- he admits he pulled them out of his own leg. His dad said he was hexed and he put it in the story.
Why do people dismiss self published books? This is amazing. I‘m in love with this book.
I love this book and I love this dog- even though she‘s not mine. I‘ve learned about some creatures that I‘ve never heard of too.
Started my travel reading. I‘m going to Cambodia in June and thought it was time to read this memoir. Incredible survival story.
Adding this one to my list! I can‘t wait to read it. I love all these great books coming out about amazing, strong women.
This is a fun and fast read. Looking forward to the movie in the fall.
I‘m loving this book. Listening on audio as well and Maya‘s voice is like sweet honey. So soothing. I‘ve laughed out loud. Preach it! And been so saddened by many events in the story.
This book is amazing and the artwork is phenomenal! I‘m getting excited to travel to Vietnam in June and have started reading for my trip.
This book is so good and I‘m learning a ton of facts about jellyfish, so much so that I‘m going to be afraid of swimming in the ocean when I‘m in Thailand this summer. 1 in 46 people have been stung by a jellyfish. Have you?
This book is so good and I‘m learning a lot about evictions. My brother and his girlfriend is being evicted in one month and his girlfriend has attempted suicide twice since learning they will be homeless. It‘s very difficult to find affordable housing in the Twin Cities area. Being evicted creates a lot of stress and even I‘m feeling the effects of it and I‘m not being evicted. So hard.
A retelling if Hamlet which I wish I knew going in. I didn‘t like the ending and I invested about a month of my life in this book. But it‘s A version of a classic tale.