My 10 favorite books of 2024. Number 3.
My 10 favorite books of 2024. Number 3.
This book is outstanding and incredibly important.
Readers who enjoyed this might also enjoy Woke Racism by John McWhorter, School of Woke by Kenny Xu, The Canceling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff and Rikki Schlott, and the novel Victim by Andrew Boryga.
#2024Book15 doctor or lawyer and think about his race as opposed to his competence. That's hardly a benefit to people of color., don't go to college, or don't go to colleges selective enough to "need" racial preferences.
Neoracists depict black people as being in a state of constant emotional vulnerability and need. Robin DiAngelo even says that white people should never cry around black people because it might traumatize them further by evoking the cultural memory of false rape accusations --accusations that white women advanced against black men behind veils of tears.
Chronic victimhood is not a workable strategy for living a fulfilling life. Living a fulfilling life requires exercising whatever agency you have. But chronic victimhood undermines that agency. It tries to convince you that you're powerless, that victimhood is something that defines you--something that you can never get past. economic power whatsoever--no ability to throw around their wealth so as to impose their will on society.