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A Scatter of Light | Malinda Lo
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The colors of the sun..
“This is due to the scattering away of light particles by the atmosphere ..”
Hint of the title 🙃


AmyG Yes…I noticed the hint of the title there. 3mo
Sargar114 Oh I missed that, but love it! 3mo
vlwelser I love this. 3mo
See All 19 Comments
IndoorDame The story was propelling me along too fast this week to notice, but that‘s so perfect!!!! 3mo
kspenmoll Loved when i read this-love all the science & art in this book. 3mo
Karisa All the colors of the 🌈 and more stemming from the same ball of energy that fuels our planet. How perfect! Love the photo you found to go with it too! (edited) 3mo
TheBookHippie @Karisa 🙃 now who is going to tell the homophobia folk the sun is a rainbow 🤣🤣🤣😵‍💫😵‍💫🫣🤪 3mo
Librarybelle I was very excited to see the connection to the title! I love finding these little nuggets in books! 3mo
Karisa @TheBookHippie 😂 They are already afraid of rainbows! 3mo
mcctrish @TheBookHippie that would be me 🙋🏻‍♀️ telling the grade 5‘s last week they can do 🌈 when I introduced my art project ( semi school wide flower rainbow on the wall coming in from outdoors) so we talked about science and why the rainbow was chosen as a symbol and then we painted #leaveyourbullshitathome (edited) 3mo
Deblovestoread I caught the reference and appreciate learning these things. Also love this pic. 3mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 I‘m so glad you did but whew the opposition and reasons we have to even explain. (edited) 3mo
TheBookHippie @Karisa 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 3mo
Catsandbooks @kspenmoll I love all the science and art too! 3mo
mollyrotondo @kspenmoll I also love the combination of science and art in this book. Two things so important to our world but usually are ignored or belittled or forgotten. 3mo
mollyrotondo @TheBookHippie the sun will soon be banned 🙄 🥴 3mo
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo I so agree!!! I love all the art & science! 3mo
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo as to the sun being banned I too expect it soon 🫣🤣😵‍💫😫 3mo
PageShifter I loved this scene and information it gave, and how it was linked with the title 💜 3mo
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