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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.5&6: well, that conversation got real. I‘m surprised Corrie pushed Ford to open up when she‘s got so much pent up anger about him inside her. She needs to flat out confront him about some of the slimy things he‘s done (like taking that fellowship, that dig in Peru…the list goes on.) But maybe she‘s able to put that aside to focus on his needs because she‘s a good person. Better than me haha - I hold a grudge.⬇️

StayCurious Are we finding her a realistic character? I‘m not sure. She‘s adventurous, sexually confident, self aware, a good packer (only bringing the essentials haha)…I dunno. She‘s too good to be true😝 3d
Larkken I‘ve not read this and am now experiencing somo that it didn‘t fit in my reading plans this month. I‘ll have to pick it up! 3d
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LiseWorks I think she is trying to understand Ford. He has made mistakes. She knows he has taken her digs. Now she is finding out why. Will Ford forgive himself for his behavior? 3d
vonnie862 Boy, he has issues. He needs to talk to a therapist. 3d
BarkingMadRead They both need to be honest with each other, I think she‘ll be mad at first but she‘ll respect it. Hopefully. She does seem a little too good to be true 🤣 the lacy bra in the jungle cracked me up, I‘m not gonna lie 🤣 3d
CrowCAH She definitely packed a lot of extra things! lol I‘m surprised Ethan didn‘t talk to him, seems a better person to have done it. She did take the higher ground and not bringing up her own issues. They are very similar in a lot of respects, so I think that‘s how their relationship is working - mutual understanding. 1d
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Started this for the September #LittensLoveRomance two-chapters-a-day readalong with @StayCurious !

Loving the sexual tension and witty banter!

And it‘s great to see that the book characters acknowledge the similarities of Ford Matthews, archeologist, being named after Harrison Ford, Indiana Jones - archeologist!

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Ah, FRM!

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Eggs Perfection👌🏼 4w
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Been a long time (life stuff, you get it) but now I am in need of recs!

I'm teaching an English class to international students this summer and I am looking for book/movie/tv recommendations with "typically british" culture suitable for teens.

Tia x

PuddleJumper Heartbreaker TV/graphic novel.

CBBC on BBC iPlayer will have children/teenage stuff. You can find some of them on YouTube. There are a couple of school ones. I'm too old to know the names 😅

I'll have a think about books
PuddleJumper Heartstopper - autocorrect 😅

Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging - bit old, think the film is a bit more recent

Ace of Spades - private school

Loveless/Solitude/Radio Silence - University age

Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating/Henna Wars

London Belongs to Us

Stay Another Day/Hollow Pike/Cruel Summer
AbigailJaneBlog @PuddleJumper I know I can always count on you for good recs 🥰 2mo
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In 2012 anthropologists starts opening six coffins in Winchester Cathedral. Winchester is the old city of kings & queens. Who are the people mentioned on the coffins and how many people are in them?

Jarman looks into who they were and the time they were living in. This is the time when England was gathered into one nation, the time of the Viking invasions.

As a Norwegian it was interesting to read about the Vikings from another point of view.

AnneCecilie In England at this time there‘s a lot of names starting with “E” for the high important people and they‘re easy to mix. 3mo
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Jo Segura and I have some things in common. In her note at the end of the book she describes her love for adventure stories/films and archeology. She wanted to write a book that not only reflected her love for Indiana Jones, Lara Croft, the Librarian,... but also her Mexican heritage. I think she managed it well.

A 🌶️ #RomCom about a pair of chalk and cheese archaeologists who've been loathing each other for years, or have they?

3.75 stars

julesG The felling the villain part was a bit slapstick OTT. 3mo
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Enjoyable and fun. Ending got wrapped up a bit quick for my liking, but that‘s ok.

Burials | Mary Anna Evans
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I finally visited my Nannys grave and discovered her headstone is wrong. She was more of a mom to me than my own. I personally believe that when we die we become part of the universe in a bigger way than stuck at our bodies resting place. (Which is why I hadn't been before.) She was 96 when she passed. The question is, what do I do about her stone? Do I risk upsetting the rest of the family by bringing it up? Why did no one else notice?

Dilara I am so sorry. This must be both upsetting and infuriating. 4mo
bookishbitch @Dilara Thank you. I am less angry and more perplexed. I do think she would want it changed. I need to look into options. 4mo
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Really interesting collection. I guess most of these pieces were previously published in the New Yorker, but they were all new to me.