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The Drover's Wife | Leah Purcell
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There were a few aspects of the way this was written, terminology used by the characters that seemed odd for the time and the switching between perspectives, that sometimes distracted me from the experience of the story. However, the story itself of a woman raising her children on her own in the Australian bush and meeting an aboriginal man on the run was powerful. I was completely caught up in their stories and how those stories came together.

Daisey *I accessed this audiobook through the #Librofm Educator ALC program.

#audiobook #ReadingOceania2024 #Australia #ReadTheWorld #ReadingTheWorld
Tamra I‘m anxious to read this! Have you seen the film? I haven‘t yet. 2w
Daisey @Tamra I haven‘t. I just happened to download it from Libro.fm and then realized it would be a great choice for an Australia book. I‘d like to say I‘ll look up the movie now, but I rarely actually get to a movie after reading the book. 2w
Tamra @Daisey I‘m always looking for a good film or show to watch for the treadmill. 😂 2w
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#ReadAway2024 #SheSays Cecile Richards comes from political royalty but she doesn‘t just ride her mother‘s coattails. She is a leader and a fighter for social equality. This book is inspiring and I give it all the stars!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

DieAReader 🥳Great 2mo
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#ReadAway2024 #MarvelousMarch

Read with #SheSaid & I‘m thankful for the group & @Riveted_Reader_Melissa as I‘m sure I wouldn‘t have picked it up without the push. I was able to track a hard copy down & get it transferred to my local library. It‘s both an interesting & important look at being an activist. I learned a lot about Planned Parenthood as well as the author, the daughter of Former Texas Governor Ann Richards. Impactful & inspiring.🩷

TheBookHippie I enjoyed this book very much. 2mo
DieAReader 🥳Great 2mo
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Hello #SheSaid!

I hope you are all enjoying the end of this read! It was a good one that I put off for a long time, but I think it came up to read here at the right time when I finally read it….some book serendipity..bookendipity …the right book at the right time when we really needed to hear it (especially if you live in the US… we have to make more trouble here I think before it gets better).

Let me know what you think in the comments

CatLass007 I‘m still finishing up the last section but what We‘ve read so far has been fascinating. Cecile Richards comes from political royalty! She hasn‘t been just riding her mother‘s coattails, however. She is a force to be reckoned with in her own right. It is extremely painful that women are fighting the same battles over and over again. I was not aware that Planned Parenthood has been in existence for over 100 years and was begun to help (cont)⬇️ (edited) 2mo
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CatLass007 women receive access to contraceptives. And now the white men in power are trying to take away that freedom also. It has rarely been safe to be a woman but any progress we make is negated repeatedly. We need to #MakeTrouble! 2mo
vlwelser I was so inspired by this. She is so fierce. 2mo
MallenNC I really enjoyed this one, especially learning about all the phases of her activism, from her teen years to now. I also learned more about her mom, and her mother‘s influence. It made me sad that we‘ve fallen further backward from some of the progress made at the time the book was written. 2mo
CatLass007 https://www.thecut.com/article/cecile-richards-brain-cancer-abortion-planned-par... I just googled Cecile Richards again and this article came up. It‘s sad but as @vlwelser said, “She is so fierce.” 2mo
DebinHawaii This was an interesting & important read. What an incredible woman & family & a call to action. Hoping she beats her cancer battle! If anyone can, it‘s her. 2mo
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The former leader of Planned Parenthood inspires everyone to get involved and stand up for what you believe in. She also happens to be the daughter of Ann Richards whose story is also pretty epic.

#SheSaid @Riveted_Reader_Melissa

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress! 2mo
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Hello #SheSaid!

Sorry for the late post everyone. My grandmother is in the hospital and I spent the day there. Finally home and have Wi-Fi again (also ran out of data while I was out 🤣 bad planning on my part).

Apparently I was not ready to Make Trouble today….see you in the comments.

(And yes, my grandma is ok, might need a pacemaker, I‘ll know more tomorrow after some tests)

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m still enjoying these chapters and sections, so much good advice about life in there. I really hope the version I have from the library has most updated Afterword, if not I may have to check other versions. 3mo
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TheBookgeekFrau Glad your Grandma is Ok! 🙏🏼 everything continues in a positive direction 💕 3mo
vlwelser I'm really loving this book. She has great advice. And her story itself is so interesting. All of the fighting for reproductive rights is amazing. She inspires a feeling of a need for civil engagement. Not just voting but real action. 3mo
CatLass007 I‘m glad your grandmother is going to be okay. My Mom had a pacemaker and it was very helpful. This is an excellent memoir. It would never have been my choice to have an abortion. But choice is what men are trying to take away from women. I don‘t think anyone who has tried to control women the way politicians and the religious right are doing cares anything about the unborn. This is about control. Always has been. Always will be. People (cont)⬇️ 3mo
CatLass007 like Cecile Richards are fighting for our freedom. Not just reproductive rights but freedom in every sense of the word. 3mo
AllDebooks What an absolutely inspirational woman. I'm with her 💯 on the right to choose what happens to your own body and autonomy. Fantastic memoir, and I'm so glad I read it. 3mo
AllDebooks Glad you're grandma is doing ok 3mo
MallenNC I glad your grandma is ok! I am behind on this book but I am enjoying what I‘ve been able to read so far. I hope to catch up and finish it this week. 3mo
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The Renegade Queen | Eva Flynn
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5⭐ read!

I love history and historical fiction books. I had never heard of Victoria Woodhull. She wasn't mentioned in history classes when I was in school. Everyone has heard of Susan B. Anthony, but few of Victoria Woodhull.

What's so special about her? She was the first female stockbroker, the first woman to testify in front of Congress, and the first woman to run for President of the United States all during the 1870's. But, she's not ⬇️

Monica5 taught about in school. She was a feminist before that was a thing. Woodhull advocated for divorce laws, due to herself being married to an alcoholic and beaten, the criminalization of marital rape, for an 8 hour work day, and for women's right to vote as well as to own and have money. For everything she did, Woodhull was asked to leave the country.

Flynn wrote a well researched book. A book I think women should read. I learned so many things I never knew. In my opinion, after reading this book, Woodhull should be celebrated as much if not more than Susan B. Anthony. I highly recommend this book. I can't wait to read about the rest of her life. Eva Flynn get to writing!

#readaway2024 #readyourkindle #bookspinbingo

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Hello #SheSaid!

You nominated a lot of unique and beautiful choices to add to our reading list. Now we have to narrow them down a little.


Please check out all those nominated and let us know which you would be interested in reading with our group. Right now the fiction & nonfiction are mixed together, we can sort them later.

I‘ll post the survey again in the comments for easy clicking.

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CatLass007 Thanks for the tag! Was there a post requesting nominations? I somehow missed that. 3mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 it was awhile ago, I‘ll tag you there too. But I also added an “other”… write-in spot on the survey to add too. 3mo
Bookwormjillk Wow, that‘s quite the list! I‘ll do some research and will vote soon. 3mo
CatLass007 If it was before I joined the group in mid-January, that‘s fine. I didn‘t actually start reading until February, so there‘s no need to tag me on the nomination post. There already are plenty of books to sort through and vote on. 3mo
CatLass007 Is there an end date to vote? Is there a limit on the number of books we can vote for? 3mo
AllDebooks Blimey, that's an incredible list. Voted 😊 3mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CatLass007 vote for as many as you want. And maybe the end of the month. We have a book for April picked already, but then we need to add some new ones 3mo
CatLass007 Thank you! 3mo
staci.reads Done! Added a lot of them to my tbr list too! 3mo
MallenNC I put in my votes! Great list. Most of the ones I didn‘t pick were ones I‘ve read before, otherwise I‘d have voted for them too. 3mo
Singout What @MallenNC said (or ones not available in my library). 3mo
vlwelser Voted. Same as @MallenNC basically voted for everything I haven't already read. 3mo
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Hello #SheSaid! How are you this weekend?
How‘s the book going?

I‘m a chapter behind, but hoping to catch up tonight, but still really enjoying this one. I hope you are too.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m a bit in awe of how much really goes into organizing and campaigning. It‘s amazing how time & labor intensive it really is, and how much we don‘t respect it as a job and work. 3mo
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CatLass007 The only thing I know about political campaigns I learned from watching West Wing. Her life and her mother‘s life are so amazing. I had forgotten that Ann Richards was divorced and alcoholic. And that‘s okay since she stayed sober. It‘s interesting that her husband didn‘t leave her until she got sober. I guess he felt an obligation until she could fend for herself and her family. 3mo
vlwelser I got caught up! This one is great so far. What an amazing woman! And Ann Richards! I don't know where you found this but thank you for bringing this to the group. 3mo
MallenNC This is a good one! I really enjoyed the chapter about campaigning in her mother‘s race for governor. It‘s easy to forget how hard that process can be on the candidate‘s family. Prior to this I only had a little knowledge about her mother or about how Cecile really started as an activist. 3mo
Suet624 Oh shoot. I‘ve been so busy I didn‘t see you were reading this. This sounds great! 3mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Suet624 It‘s ok, start anytime…the posts will still be here to check in as you get through sections 3mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser You‘re welcome 😂 it‘s been on my book radar forever. She‘s very involved with Planned Parenthood and ever since it (and she) came up in the news back when she testified before Congress (way in the beginning of this book and a lifetime ago now) I‘ve been meaning to read this. And the reminders as Abortion, Women‘s Healthcare, and now in-vitro I kept thinking about it and moving it up my personal list. At this point it may need a ⤵️ 3mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ new, new, new afterword. 3mo
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