"I must say a word about fear. It is life's only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life."
#rockinmay #longlongwayfromhome
"I must say a word about fear. It is life's only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life."
#rockinmay #longlongwayfromhome
I loved reading of Mark Watney's resourcefulness and humor, yet I hope to never be such a #LongLongWayFromHome myself. #RockinMay
Since I live in the middle of nowhere in Kansas, I consider Australia to be a #LongLongWayFromHome. #RockInMay
This book sitting unread on my shelf qualifies for #LongLongWayFromHome. Given my deep disinterest in such topics, it shall likely remain unread for the foreseeable future.
#rockinmay #longlongwayfromhome Ada has spent all nine years of her life in one small apartment because of the disability her mother considers shameful. But with the war, her brother is being sent to a safe house in the country. Ada decides to run away from her home and tiny world to join him. A very moving book.