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The Most Likely Club | Elyssa Friedland
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Oh good size 0
And her threesome was announced at her debate for mayor …
Daughter seems upset 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

Revenge from the restaurant owner who catered …

Are we all 12?!? What?

Seek help people 🤦🏻‍♀️

AmyG This was ridiculous. I skimmed…never a good sign. 8mo
Karisa @AmyG Yes! I was skimming some of this too. So petty! The characters just kept getting sillier. And why did Suki‘s parts switch to the first person voice? So strange. (edited) 8mo
IndoorDame Yup. I think we‘re all 12. Remind me never to live in a town that feels like going back to middle school. Or at least to become crazy witch lady who never speaks to anyone if I do. 8mo
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TheBookHippie @IndoorDame as the crazy witch lady of my town here, I agree 💯💯 8mo
AmyG @IndoorDame I moved from a town that had groups of people who behaved like that. By the time I left….ha, I hated most of the people there. It was just bananas. 8mo
TheBookHippie @Karisa EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT why did the voice change ?!?!?!? 8mo
vlwelser I'm not sure the author realizes what a size 0 actually is. Like you can't lose enough weight to have a 21" waist. You have to actually be built like that. 8mo
vonnie862 This chapter...aye... so Melissa is pretty much a skeleton. 8mo
Librarybelle It was odd too that Cameron blamed Melissa for the threesome…umm, there were 3 to make the threesome. Sadly, I‘ve also seen towns where people act like this, “airing” the “dirt” of others in the community in a public audience. 8mo
mcctrish That threesome is the stupidest, laziest plot device EVER! This is exactly throwing shit at walls and seeing what sticks @IndoorDame you nailed it (edited) 8mo
TheDaysGoBy I think it‘s just strange how there was no real aftermath to the whole threesome reveal. Like Melissa should‘ve sat down with her daughter immediately to explain/discuss it (maybe even with Josh since yeah, they were all involved). Or even during the actual debate itself Melissa didn‘t even say a single word to defend herself/the invasion of privacy. I get what the author was going for with the town speaking up but still 8mo
DebinHawaii I agree with everything you all have already said DUMB DUMB DUMB!!! 8mo
mollyrotondo Melissa is a major eating disorder and needs therapy to help with that. She can‘t just simply start eating again and she‘s all better. And that barely was talked about other than “you should eat” comments. Not helpful. And that debate went sooooo smoothly for Melissa (people did feel bad for her that her past was used against which never happens in real life; people want clean slates when it comes to female politicians sad truth). Neat bow. 8mo
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Sometimes, I feel younger than others my age because I didn't have kids to worry about, rent an apartment, and had a fairly easy life. Then I read about these women and at least in not this childish & petty. I'm just rather carefree. #CoolAuntForLife Melissa had way too much good luck here to be even remotely believable. At least that heinous oxygen thief current mayor was bested. Side note: The wine pictured is rather good and affordable. 8mo
TheBookHippie @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick side note I enjoy this wine too! Works good in pot roast as well FYI 8mo
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