Congratulations to @amyg in my #26KGiveaway!!!! Thanks everyone for joining in and for all your kind sentiments! Email me at jessguinanATgmail.com with your TBR choice and mailing address. 😄
Congratulations to @amyg in my #26KGiveaway!!!! Thanks everyone for joining in and for all your kind sentiments! Email me at jessguinanATgmail.com with your TBR choice and mailing address. 😄
@IamIamIam is holding a giveaway in honor of hitting 26k Litfluence! This was my favorite childhood read - partially because it's an awesome story... and partially because I grew up on a farm! #26kgiveaway
Thanks for this special giveaway! Congrats!
My favorite childhood read was this lovely and magical book! I believe I read it more than 10 times I need to do a reread now that I am an adult!
“Bridge to Terabithia” was my first, true experience with “Literature” as a kid (BSC doesn‘t count 😆). I coveted Leslie‘s golden sunroom, wanted a puppy to name Prince Terrien, & cried my gosh-darn eyes out. I love/d it so much that I have a wreath inspired by the one Jess makes for Leslie (with all of the flora mentioned in the book) tattooed on my shoulder. I love it more with every reread. 💕
Thanks for the #26KGiveaway, @IamIamIam !
Congrats, @IamIamIam 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I adored anything about Mrs. Piggle Wiggle when I was a kid (also Amelia Bedelia, anything Judy Blume, Babysitters Club.... but I digress 😂). Thanks for the giveaway!
congrats! I tagged this book as it was integral of my love of reading (sci fi in particular). Devoured the whole series as a boy in my accelerated reading class. Bums me out that Scott Card seems to be a big ole jerk :( . @IamIamIam #26KGiveaway
Congrats on your goal @IamIamIam. Madeline was a childhood favorite for me. The whole series really, but I had a fondness for this story. #26KGiveaway
@IamIamIam #26KGiveaway
My favorite book from childhood was this version of Mary Poppins. My mom got it for me when I was recovering from having tonsils removed. Thank you so much and Congratulations on your amazing milestone!
LAST CHANCE to enter my #26KGiveaway!!!! Winner will be chosen on TUESDAY! Post a picture of your favorite childhood read, tag me @IamIamIam and use #26KGiveaway in your post. US only, winner gets an item from their TBR and some extra goodies! Good luck!
#givingback #litsylove @LitsyHappenings #giveaway #freebooks #mountTBR
Don't forget to enter my #26KGiveaway!! Drawing is in ONE WEEK!!! Post your favorite book from your childhood, tag me @IamIamIam and good luck!!!!
#giveaway #freebooks #mountTBR #winnerwinner