Satan Rides Your Daughter Again | Dylan Bosworth
Welcome to the second volume of HellBound's satanic-themed anthology, our homage to all things Old Nick and those who worship him and his demonic underlings!From a poor woman suffering at the hands of witch finders, the building of an infamous Bunny Ranch and absolute living Hell that is high school, to encounters with angels, Hades' pit, the quest for a hellishly good chilli, and so much more in between, Satan Rides Your Daughter Again is packed with devilishly good tales to torment your soul with a taste of the fire and brimstone underworld that roils below us...Featuring some of the very best independent horror authors committing words to paper today: R.D. Tyler, Dan Bolden, K A Douglas, Dylan Bosworth, Conor O'Brian Barnes, Dan Muenzer, Josh Darling, Barend Nieuwstraten III, Matthew Fryer, Kevin L. Kennel, J Louis Messina, Terry Grimwood, James Musgrave, Donn L. Hess, Shannon Lawrence, Chase Hughes, KT Bartlett, Sarah Goodman, Mariah Southworth, and Terry Campbell.