4 ⭐ This audiobook was lots of fun. This book is a cozy romance with a little spice. Really little spice. The archduke runs away from home because he‘s been held captive, and things aren‘t going well. His uncle has been running his country so he decides to seek the help of the queen in the neighboring kingdom and hopefully maybe take back his rule. However, when he‘s mistaken for a dark wizard, he thinks what a better place to hide then with
LibrarianRyan the queen next door. A big Library that needs organizing and a cast of wild characters makes this an enjoyable read. Both good and evil witches, some that sparkle rainbows, and some that are just up to no good. This was thoroughly enjoyable from beginning to end. This audiobook also gives you a preview of the next book that‘s out late 2025 early 2026. Yes I do want the next book. 2w