January reads. Not pictured: The Land of Stories series
I didn‘t even read this 2013 release until 2017, and all I can say to myself is ‘what the hell?‘ It‘s the perfect blend of emotion and humour, of authenticity and sense of identity. I love Will, call him a friend and can‘t wait to see how he develops as a writer. #tenbooksonedecade #loveozya #2013
I loved reading this book, a great story and this book pulled me right in! I recommend 5/5 stars.
Thoroughly enjoyed. Got to meet Will Kostakis and get my book signed. Was great to hear the back story.
There was so much heart packed into the 248 pages of this story. This book perfectly reflected imperfect family life. It was also refreshingly diverse without feeling like it's trying too hard to be.
Will's Yiayia signed my copy of The First Third, this is so unspeakably cool. (Sorry Will, you have been outclassed)