The vampire‘s footsteps thudded against the pavement as he chased the girl through the back alleys and dark streets of New Sunnydale.
The vampire‘s footsteps thudded against the pavement as he chased the girl through the back alleys and dark streets of New Sunnydale.
I don't know if this is casual racism or pointed foreshadowing of relation... but it really irks me when the only 2 black characters end up being either related or a couple 🙄
Appointment-waiting is never fun, but at least I have a fun book to keep me company. Excited to see how this Buffyverse trilogy ends and even more excited to get it in before spooky season is over 🦇🌕🦇
This was a pretty fun conclusion to the Blake‘s “Buffyverse” trilogy, but I remain confused about the target audience. The trilogy—and especially this last one—definitely requires extensive familiarity with the 90‘s/00‘s show and I‘m not convinced that very many teens have that…
4 ⭐ We know who the darkness is. We knew who the bad people are, the villains of this book. We know from the beginning and now it‘s do we defeat the villains or do we do something else. Plus, the Scooby‘s really need to get Buffy back. This book also gets a little bit into Frankie‘s romance with a demon which is interesting but is a little too much Angel angst for this reader. Even Willow is like oh my god, Angel 2.0. I (Willow) do not need
I‘ve been in a reading funk and I was slow to finish this one. I also didn‘t want the Buffy universe to end. It was so nice.