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Parade | Rachel Cusk
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A writer hides. A mother dies. A woman is attacked.In Parade, Rachel Cusk creates a new documentary voice that operates on the border between fiction and reality. It braids imagined characters with the actual, experience with the philosophical, to altering effect.Praise for the Outline trilogy:'A work of stunning beauty, deep insight and great o[Bokinfo].
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Parade | Rachel Cusk

Fun to read. Not sure about the overall message

Parade | Rachel Cusk
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Like some of Cusk‘s other novels that I‘ve read, this focuses on art and creation. There‘s several artist named G, some men and some women, and she looks at how society treats them and the expectations of motherhood.

I‘m going to an event with Cusk next Wednesday and now I feel prepared. Maybe I‘ll even gets some new insights then

Parade | Rachel Cusk
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At other times the museum is crowded and the atmosphere completely changes. People push and shove each other trying to see, like people trying to see the aftermath of a car crash or some equally gruesome spectacle. They take photos with their phones, like voyeurs, and in fact sometimes I think they don‘t even see what it is they‘re photographing. They‘re just making a copy to take away with them, and somewhere in that process they turn what is

AnneCecilie meant to be eternal into something disposable. It‘s hard not to feel, she said, that the works are damaged or diminished in some way by all these millions of copies that are taken from them. 2mo
AnneCecilie Photo is taken inside The Twist. 2mo
Soubhiville That looks like a really cool space. (edited) 2mo
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Parade | Rachel Cusk

This was strange, in usual Cusk fashion - meandering story with lots of interior thought and feeling, not tons of plot or dialogue. Some elements or narrative plots were better than others.

Parade | Rachel Cusk
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New Rachel Cusk!

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Parade | Rachel Cusk
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I survived a Cusk book. I loved and hated this book. Not the book to read if you‘re looking for something plot driven. If you like books that require a LOT of intellectual energy, then you will like this. Definitely some brilliant reflections on art, motherhood, identify and female artists. But not highly accessible to average readers.

Full review: https://thereadersroom.org/2024/03/25/parade-by-rachel-cusk/

BarbaraBB I never even heard of this one. I always have mixed feelings about Cusk‘s books and am in no hurry to read this one. 7mo
JenP @BarbaraBB it comes out in mid-June. I read it to help with my booker predictions this year. (edited) 7mo
JenP @BarbaraBB reading her books are like being back in college. They require a lot of mental energy and sometimes I don‘t have it in me 😂 7mo
BarbaraBB I know what you mean! 7mo
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Parade | Rachel Cusk
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I keep forgetting what‘s it‘s like to read Cusk. I feel like I need an advanced literary degree to understand this novel. So this probably means it will make the booker list

RaeLovesToRead 🤣🤣 7mo
BarbaraBB Haha 😜 (edited) 7mo
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