After the release of this biography many have refuted Higham‘s claims as nothing more than guilt by association. Either way this is an interesting and even exciting biography that reads like an adventure novel. Part 3
After the release of this biography many have refuted Higham‘s claims as nothing more than guilt by association. Either way this is an interesting and even exciting biography that reads like an adventure novel. Part 3
He had a dark side, drugs and alcohol, womanizing, he was charged with statutory rape twice and acquitted both times. The term, “In like Flynn” actually originated from those trials. With all the negative aspects of his life a biographer, Charles Higham claimed to have found an even darker secret, that Errol Flynn was a Nazi Spy. This accusation was based totally on his friendship with a man named Hermann Erben, who was in fact a Nazi Spy. Part 2
Errol Flynn lived a full and short life. Ultimately the alcohol and drug use ended his life at the age of 50. He may have been one of the first action stars. He was Captain Blood, Robin Hood, and Don Juan. It was said that Flynn was “what every woman wanted and what every man wanted to be”. How could a man who had everything end up such a train wreck? Part one