In the small town of Winston, Pennsylvania, several babies have gone missing over the years with bundles of sticks or ice left in their place. It's rumoured that the Lord of the Woods has taken them & anyone who goes looking for the stolen babies never returns.
Teenager Leah Jones doesn't really believe in the LotW, but wants nothing more than her freedom from taking care of her baby brother, Owen. (Continued)
This was just OK for me. The world-building, story, & romance were adequate but I didn't get swept away in the story as I did with 'Belladonna' by Adalyn Grace. There were no real surprises in how things turn out. Overall, it was fine but I wouldn't re-read it. 3⭐ 4mo
Read 19th -20th Aug 2024
#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES 4mo