Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, best known as the creator of the perennially admired detective Sherlock Holmes, was a complex man. Originally trained as a doctor, he gained fame as an author & yet professed a dislike for the popularity of his most loved character. This book looks at his life, his wide-ranging interests including spiritualism, & his involvement in real life criminal cases where he considered miscarriages of justice had taken place.
31 likes6 comments
This book shows Conan Doyle 'warts & all' (although the author acknowledges that there are many of Conan Doyle's letters in private collections unavailable to researchers which could provide new insights in the future) & it was a well-written, informative & interesting read. In many ways he was ahead of his time in attitudes, yet in many others
TWs: late Victorian/early modern attitudes towards race, sex, & gay men.
My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Pen & Sword/White Owl, for the opportunity to read an ARC. 1y
Read 27th-31st July 2023 1y