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The Disappearance of Lynne Schulze
The Disappearance of Lynne Schulze | Ana Benton
When a person vanishes into thin air without any evidence or leads, the police are usually left helpless to search for answers. After some time these cases will become cold, and the families of the missing persons would lead their lives, hoping that one day their loved one will return or they might get some answers about what really happened to them. The family of Lynne Schulze went through the same thing because their daughter and sister vanished in 1971 and never came back. The case was dormant for decades until 2012 when suddenly the police received an unusual tip. The millionaire and a real estate mogul Robert Durst could be involved in Lynne Schulze's disappearance. Her case received huge media coverage in 2015 when HBO released a documentary about Durst's crimes. Plenty of dirt from Durst's life floated to the surface, suggesting that he could have kidnapped and murdered Lynne who was a student at Middlebury College and often shopped at Durst's store. After all, she was last seen just several feet from it.
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