I don't know how a climate dystopian can be achingly beautiful in symbolism, but this one is. I loved the short story about trees and the idea that they would tell their own story while the humans destroy the world.
I don't know how a climate dystopian can be achingly beautiful in symbolism, but this one is. I loved the short story about trees and the idea that they would tell their own story while the humans destroy the world.
A free Tor.com short story: https://www.tor.com/2021/08/18/the-future-library-peng-shepherd
It‘s about how incurably self-centered humans are.
Ecology. Climate change. Trees.
Interesting idea, but tries too hard to be edgy. Heavily symbolic, both overblown and oversimplified—is the word “cartoonish”?—to the point of being illogical in places. Also, very pessimistic, steadily going from bad to worse, which is not my thing.