The action art in this one is exceptional!
And I *so* hate volleyball! It always hurt my baby hands & I even got a dislocated finger from trying to return a ball!
Boo! Volleyball you suck! But this is a great manga! 🤩
The action art in this one is exceptional!
And I *so* hate volleyball! It always hurt my baby hands & I even got a dislocated finger from trying to return a ball!
Boo! Volleyball you suck! But this is a great manga! 🤩
In the first book of “Haikyuu“ the mood for the story is encouraging. The reason I say this is because the main character Hinata wants to win a volleyball match and be able to play in high school, so he encourages his teammates to do the best they can so they can get their first win.
Cute, light read! I really enjoyed the art style, the movements of characters as they played volleyball was really dynamic. Looking forward to picking up the next volume!
Friday means a (really) late lunch and some light reading! Finally sating my curiosity about this series after seeing the fandom around so much. 🙂 #lunchreads #manga
Passion, hard work, and team work! I'm totally. Loving this series so far 👍 It's definitely a keeper 😉 #manga #haikyu #sportsmanga #volleyballmanga
I enjoy reading sports manga because the stories are often about growth, friendship and identity through competition and of course, gravity-defying moves. Some of my favorite titles include #PrinceofTennis (tennis) and #YowamushiPedal (cycling). #Haikyu is about Volleyball. This is volume 1, and I'm excited to read it next!