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Llewellyn's 2023 Sabbats Almanac
Llewellyn's 2023 Sabbats Almanac: Rituals Crafts Recipes Folklore | Llewellyn
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Discover all new tips, tricks, recipes, and crafts as well as articles filled with fascinating ideas and lore. Llewellyn's 2023 Sabbats Almanac shares brilliant new perspectives on each sabbat, complete with hands-on rituals and activities to help deepen your practice and sense of the sacred. Call on Krampus to release shadows during Yule. Invite new things into your life with a meaningful choice of wood for your Beltane fire. Honor death and decay deities through a compost ritual for Samhain. This almanac also provides crafts for each sabbat, including a decorated watering can for Ostara, a "face of the forest" mask for Llamas, and a gratitude box for Mabon. Featuring some of the best writers in the Witch and Pagan communities, this almanac is a treasury of magic.
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This book wasn‘t what I expected, which isn‘t its fault, but I did feel that it lacked depth. I read it out of order because I got it late, with Samhain and Yule last; it turned out to not make sense to read it in the wrong year since there is an article for each holiday with the astrological correspondences, but I rarely use those anyway. I did get a few interesting ideas for rituals and crafts, so it was worth my time to read.

Clare-Dragonfly I didn‘t deliberately set out to finish a bunch of books today, including ones I‘ve been working on for a long time, but I‘m pleased that it turned out that way! 😄 5mo
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And now we have a new pronunciation, em-bowl-ck, different from a) how I‘m used to hearing it, b) what the other author used, and c) what @shanaqui hears. 🤨 I know it‘s two different authors, but you‘d think the publisher would have clear standards for this sort of thing. Get it together, Llewelyn!

Erinsuereads How do you pronounce it? 1y
TalesandTexts I totally resonate 1y
wanderinglynn @ErinSueMreads I‘ve always heard it pronounced im-blk or im-blg. 1y
Clare-Dragonfly @ErinSueMreads Im-bowl-ck (to use this author‘s spelling of the second syllable)—im rhymes with him. 1y
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Have any other #witchesoflitsy heard this “EE-melk” pronunciation for Imbolc? 🤔 It‘s a first for me—I‘ve always said “ihm-bolk” and that‘s how I‘ve heard it in person. But I know Samhain isn‘t pronounced at all the way you‘d expect in English from the spelling.

I‘m already side-eyeing this author a bit for her judgmental comments on group rituals…

MoonWitch94 Ummmmmm no 🤣😂 That is the first time so have ever heard that. I mean, it‘s possible 🤷🏻‍♀️ but I think not. What tradition does the author follow? 1y
Suet624 First I've heard that pronunciation. 1y
Clare-Dragonfly @MoonWitch94 It says she is an initiated Druid. 1y
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MoonWitch94 @Clare-Dragonfly Perhaps it‘s a Druid pronunciation? But that‘s the first I have seen that. 1y
BookwormAHN That's the first I've seen it like that 😺 1y
MoonWitch94 Maybe it‘s the Gaelic pronunciation? 1y
shanaqui People usually pronounce it “wrong“ (as in more or less how it's written), but AFAIK the “b“ is meant to be silent. Not sure about the “ee“ or the “melk“ part; I usually hear it pronounced almost as written but with just the B silent, so... “im'olc“. 1y
Clare-Dragonfly @shanaqui Oh, interesting! It‘s not a Welsh word, is it? 1y
shanaqui @Clare-Dragonfly It's Gaelic! 1y
Clare-Dragonfly @shanaqui That makes sense! I wonder if I can find anyone who speaks Gaelic/understands how Gaelic spelling relates to pronunciation to explain things… 1y
TalesandTexts It‘s always been “imh” for me. But yes the pronunciation for samhain is soooo different, that we do need to wonder if we‘ve got imbolc wrong too. (edited) 1y
Erinsuereads I never thought about the b being silent. But yes that sounds right from the Gaelic I know! 1y
Clare-Dragonfly Maybe I‘ll just call it Brigid‘s Day and avoid the whole confusion 😆 1y
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I got this book in an end-of-year sale on Llewellyn‘s website. It‘s gorgeous and I look forward to reading it! However, I must not have read the description carefully enough, because it‘s not what I wanted or expected. I thought it would be more like a datebook organized by the Wheel of the Year, with space to write for each day. However, it‘s mostly articles for each sabbat, with a few pages for notes. And it started Samhain 2022 so I‘m behind 😅

MoonWitch94 Funny enough, I did the same with the 2021-22 book! I thought that‘s what it was & was disappointed but still enjoyed it. 1y
MoonWitch94 I did the same thing with the 2021-22 book! I was disappointed but enjoyed reading it! 1y
Clare-Dragonfly @MoonWitch94 Ha, glad I‘m not the only one! 😆 Was there anything 2021 specific about the articles for Samhain and Yule? I‘m thinking I might just start with Imbolc and wrap back around at the end of the year. It is a WHEEL, after all. 1y
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