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Convict Conditioning 2
Convict Conditioning 2: Advanced Prison Training Tactics for Muscle Gain, Fat Loss and Bulletproof Joints | Paul Wade
Foreword The Many Roads to Strength by Brooks Kubik III Opening Salvo: Chewing Bubblegum and Kicking Ass V 1. Introduction: Put Yourself Behind Bars VII PART I: SHOTGUN MUSCLE Hands and Forearms 2: Iron Hands and Forearms: Ultimate Strength 1-with Just Two Techniques 3: The Hang Progressions: A Vice-Like Bodyweight Grip Course 15 4: Advanced Grip Torture: Explosive Power + Titanium Fingers 39 5: Fingertip Pushups: Keeping Hand Strength Balanced 47 6: Forearms into Firearms: Hand Strength 57 A Summary and a Challenge Lateral Chain 7: Lateral Chain Training: Capturing the Flag 63 8: The Clutch Flag: In Eight Easy Steps 71 9: The Press Flag: In Eight Not-So-Easy Steps 89 Neck and Calves 10. Bulldog Neck: Bulletproof Your Weakest Link 113 11. Calf Training: Ultimate Lower Legs-No Machines Necessary 131 PART II: BULLETPROOF JOINTS 12. Tension-Flexibility: The Lost Art of Joint Training 149 13: Stretching-the Prison Take: Flexibility, Mobility, Control 163 14. The Trifecta: Your Secret Weapon for Mobilizing Stiff, Battle-Scarred Physiques-for Life 173 15: The Bridge Hold Progressions: The Ultimate Prehab/Rehab Technique189 16: The L-Hold Progressions: Cure Bad Hips and Low Back-Inside-Out 211 17: Twist Progressions: Unleash Your Functional Triad 225 PART III: WISDOM FROM CELLBLOCK G 18. Doing Time Right: Living the Straight Edge 225 19. The Prison Diet: Nutrition and Fat Loss Behind Bars 237 20. Mendin' Up: The 8 Laws of Healing 253 21. The Mind: Escaping the True Prison 271 !BONUS CHAPTER! Pumpin' Iron in Prison: Myths, Muscle and Misconceptions 285
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