A grotesque, genetically anomaly causes a young woman to develop vagina dentata. Realizing her connection to a corrupt pharmaceutical company in this body horror novel but with feminist overtones.
A grotesque, genetically anomaly causes a young woman to develop vagina dentata. Realizing her connection to a corrupt pharmaceutical company in this body horror novel but with feminist overtones.
This is definitely one of my top 10 reads this year! It was so weird and kooky, but at the same time was written beautifully. This had so many elements that I wouldn‘t have thought would go together, but were just made to mesh so well together it was slightly apocalyptic, that had a little bit of a classic movie monster feeling to it, but bringing it into a modern New York setting.
#horror #novella
(2021) This one won the Stoker Award for best debut novel. It has several things going on: alternate history, dystopia, queer romance, but mostly body horror about a woman with something growing from her reproductive organs. Something with teeth. And tentacles. It's feminist and fun and yeah, also kind of squicky.
I hate to do this but this was not for me. Sometimes the vaginal tentacled creature story you pick up is not the one you want. I will say this though, I think there are women who would pick this up who are queer or who the world has beaten down, or look at what Texas is doing with abortion and wondering whose body it really is and this book would be the vaginal tentacled creature book they absolutely need and love. It‘s just not for me. I will👇🏼