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Mutha: Stuff and Things | Vincent D’Onofrio
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A collection of irreverent and poetic short works from legendary actor Vincent D’Onofrio This is not a story woven around plot, characters, and contrivance. Rather, it is what acclaimed actor Vincent D’Onofrio’s mind produces when on idle, when he is not thinking about servicing a story. His words are, in the purest sense, ideas that fall unexpectedly upon his head, “like an apple from a tree—dropping all at once,” though less about gravity and Newton’s apples, and more about levity. D’Onofrio’s thoughts and images—presented here in all their uninhibited glory—are humorous, honest, abundant, raw, and unfiltered. And all exceedingly enjoyable. The unique design—a paperback with flaps and Chinese binding, all contained in a full-color, hardcover slipcase—offers the book an artistic, collectible feel.
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Mutha: Stuff and Things | Vincent D’Onofrio
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I don't think I had 21 books I loved for #top21of21, so here are my top 9. Tagged book might have been a tie for 9th. Hoping for a more satisfying reading year in '22.

Mutha: Stuff and Things | Vincent D’Onofrio
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A little weird and a little wacky and perhaps just a little bit true. I was confused, I laughed, but ultimately I enjoyed spending a little time with Vincent D'Onofrio's mind.

TieDyeDude A fascinating read! 3y
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Mutha: Stuff and Things | Vincent D’Onofrio
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I don't even know how to describe this collection, but I couldn't put it down. Poetry, hypothetical musings, personal diatribes; the inside cover states This Book was not written, it was spewed, but obviously a lot of care was put in. The line between fiction and self is blurred, the design of the book is hypnotic, and I am thoroughly impressed by what D'Onofrio has released. A complex, intriguing book from a complex, intriguing man.

Hazel2019 Oh wow, had no idea this was out. I‘m ordering a copy right now. 3y
DrexEdit I totally want to read this! 😊 3y
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