How I feel waking up after a holiday.
I thought this was an established trilogy 😑 so I‘m torn between being mad at the unresolved ending, and being glad there is still more
🏆 my favorite in the series so far. Seph & Hades are facing the trauma from the last book.
💥 Seph puts in the work to master her powers
🌶 almost every chapter has a sex scene, it‘s completely unhinged, somehow there is still a plot..
☠️The Olympians face new enemies& are still their own worst enemy.
July #20in4
Probably not that realistic for this weekend because I‘m going to the lobster truck after work on Friday and seeing Rob Zombie/Powerman/StaticX (nostalgiafest) Saturday. But that still leaves Sunday and I‘m off Monday.
I have about 7 hours 🎧 left on Queen of Volts
1/2 way through Gone Girl 📖
And my library hold came in for A Touch of Malice 📱
I can probably get those done and maybe knock out a few pages of Anne Rice.
Book 3 of the Hades and Persephone story. This one was good but beware the typos. It is a wee bit distracting. Aside from that this was a fun and fast read with plenty of steam and romance.
I liked this one better than the previous one, as the author has actually introduced some tension into the story, but though the romance has plenty of “spice,” it could really benefit from some variation.
Book #29: That ending though!! I turned the page and was like WHAT, THATS IT! I like this series but these books really need an editor. There are so many grammar errors/typos throughout and it takes me out of the story.
Last one of May!
Bk3/4! New book will be out 05/2022 A Touch of Chaos
This book ends on a cliffhanger. Stakes are high in a war of Olympians v. Demi-Gods & Mortals & Hades x Persephone are smack in the middle of it. Lots of myth included & more world building. Persephone is still the annoying angsty one & Hades is still withholding info. 🌶🌶🌶 for spice but quantity increase doesn‘t = quality spice. 📚📚📚 overall